Calendar and Meetings
The Illinois State Board of Education studies and makes decisions about a wide variety of policy topics that have important implications for all of the K-12 schools throughout the state of Illinois.
All State Board of Education public meetings are accessible to persons with disabilities. Persons planning to attend who need special accommodations should contact the Board office no later than the date prior to the meeting. Contact the Superintendent's office at:
Phone: 217-782-2221
TTY/TDD: 888-261-2708
Fax: 217-785-3972
State Board of Education meetings in Springfield are held in the 4th Floor Board Room at 100 North First Street, Springfield.
NOTE: Please watch for the meeting posting for a possible change in the start time of these regular meetings.
Public Participation sign-up for the {{item.CommitteeName}} has now closed. The meeting will begin at {{item.MeetingDate | date:'M/d/yy h:mm a'}}.
Public Participation sign-up for the {{item.CommitteeName}} has now closed. The meeting will begin immediately following the Finance and Audit Committee of the Whole meeting on {{item.MeetingDate | date:'M/d/yy'}}.
The following procedures will govern recording and public participation for Board and Committee meetings:
- Individuals wishing to address the Board or a Committee or record a Board or a Committee meeting are asked to sign in prior to the start of the Board meeting. Sign in sheets will be provided at the meeting location for in-person public participation and on-line for telephonic participation.
- When a virtual option is provided for access to a Board or committee meeting, regardless of whether the meeting is held in-person, virtually, or a hybrid of the two, individuals may be given the opportunity to participate in the public participation portion(s) of the meeting via telephone.
- Presentations must be specific to educationally relevant issues; individuals wishing to address the Board must indicate on the sign-in sheet which will be made available to both in-person and virtual participants, the specific topic or issues about which they will be speaking.
- No individual will be allowed to speak for more than three minutes. Public participation may be heard during multiple periods of public comment. A first period of public comment will be heard following the agenda item "Roll Call/Pledge of Allegiance," and will be limited to a maximum of one-half hour for plenary session and for committees. For State Board of Education meetings, a second period of public comment, if needed, will be heard prior to the agenda item "Consent Agenda" and will be limited to a maximum of one-half hour. The total time allowed for public comment for Board meetings shall be 1 hour. The total time allotted for public comment for committee meetings shall be 30 minutes. An individual may not be permitted to offer public comment unless the individual has complied with the sign-in requirements. The presiding chair shall determine whether speakers who did not sign in prior to the start of the meeting will be heard based on time constraints.
- Only one person may represent an organization before the Board at any given meeting, unless permission for multiple people to speak is granted by the Board or Committee chairperson. Individuals from the same organization may present together; however, having more than one representative present will not increase the maximum presentation time.
- The Board will permit the recording of the proceedings of a public meeting of the Board or a Committee in a manner that does not interrupt the proceedings, inhibit the conduct of the meeting, or distract Board members or other observers present at the meeting. Meetings or portions of meetings that are permitted by the Open Meetings Act to be closed to the public may not be recorded by the public. The chairperson of the Board or Committee may designate a location for recording equipment or camera, may restrict the movements of individuals who are using recording equipment, or may take such other steps as are deemed necessary to preserve decorum and facilitate the meeting. The chairperson of the Board or Committee shall be the Board member with authority to determine when any recording device or camera interferes with the conduct of a Board or Committee meeting and may order that a device causing interference to be removed.
- The Board shall assume no liability for any damaged, lost, or stolen recording equipment or for any damage or injury caused by any person recording Board proceedings.
- Boisterous conduct will not be permitted at any Board or Committee meeting, nor will any defamatory or abusive language be tolerated. The Board or Committee chairperson may terminate the privilege of any speaker who violates this regulation.
- Exceptions to this policy will be made when the Board/Committee chooses by resolution to "suspend the rule."
Thank you for signing up to participate in the {{item.CommitteeName}} scheduled for {{item.MeetingDate | date:'MMMM d, yyyy'}}.
Please fill out the following form if you wish to address the Board or a committee or record a Board or a committee meeting.
Please email any attachments to Jo Ireland so that they can be disseminated to Board members.
Contact a State Board Member
Contacting members of the State Board of Education:
Email: State Board of Education members do not have offices at the Illinois State Board of Education. They use their private email accounts for corresponding with staff and the public. In order to prevent them from receiving mass emails that would result in an overload of their personal email accounts, we ask that you choose the Board Members that you would like to contact below and click the "Send an Email" button. This information will be forwarded to the Board Services Coordinator. The message(s) will be relayed to the appropriate member(s).
Public Participation Guidelines
Please sign in as “Request to Speak in Person,” “Request to Speak via Phone,” “Intent to Record,” and/or “Guest.”
The following procedures will govern recording and public participation for Board and Committee meetings:
- Individuals wishing to address the Board or a Committee or record a Board or a Committee meeting are asked to sign in prior to the start of the Board meeting. Sign in sheets will be provided at the meeting location for in-person public participation and on-line for telephonic participation.
- When a virtual option is provided for access to a Board or committee meeting, regardless of whether the meeting is held in-person, virtually, or a hybrid of the two, individuals may be given the opportunity to participate in the public participation portion(s) of the meeting via telephone.
- Presentations must be specific to educationally relevant issues; individuals wishing to address the Board must indicate on the sign-in sheet which will be made available to both in-person and virtual participants, the specific topic or issues about which they will be speaking.
- No individual will be allowed to speak for more than three minutes. Public participation may be heard during multiple periods of public comment. A first period of public comment will be heard following the agenda item "Roll Call/Pledge of Allegiance," and will be limited to a maximum of one-half hour for plenary session and for committees. For State Board of Education meetings, a second period of public comment, if needed, will be heard prior to the agenda item "Consent Agenda" and will be limited to a maximum of one-half hour. The total time allowed for public comment for Board meetings shall be 1 hour. The total time allotted for public comment for committee meetings shall be 30 minutes. An individual may not be permitted to offer public comment unless the individual has complied with the sign-in requirements. The presiding chair shall determine whether speakers who did not sign in prior to the start of the meeting will be heard based on time constraints.
- Only one person may represent an organization before the Board at any given meeting, unless permission for multiple people to speak is granted by the Board or Committee chairperson. Individuals from the same organization may present together; however, having more than one representative present will not increase the maximum presentation time.
- The Board will permit the recording of the proceedings of a public meeting of the Board or a Committee in a manner that does not interrupt the proceedings, inhibit the conduct of the meeting, or distract Board members or other observers present at the meeting. Meetings or portions of meetings that are permitted by the Open Meetings Act to be closed to the public may not be recorded by the public. The chairperson of the Board or Committee may designate a location for recording equipment or camera, may restrict the movements of individuals who are using recording equipment, or may take such other steps as are deemed necessary to preserve decorum and facilitate the meeting. The chairperson of the Board or Committee shall be the Board member with authority to determine when any recording device or camera interferes with the conduct of a Board or Committee meeting and may order that a device causing interference to be removed.
- The Board shall assume no liability for any damaged, lost, or stolen recording equipment or for any damage or injury caused by any person recording Board proceedings.
- Boisterous conduct will not be permitted at any Board or Committee meeting, nor will any defamatory or abusive language be tolerated. The Board or Committee chairperson may terminate the privilege of any speaker who violates this regulation.
- Exceptions to this policy will be made when the Board/Committee chooses by resolution to "suspend the rule."
There are no meetings scheduled at this time.
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