Illinois offers multiple pathways to licensure. To find the route that best suites you, please review the options below.
Did you complete an approved out-of-state educator preparation program and become licensed in that state? You can qualify for the Illinois PEL by submitting the following documents:
- A copy of your valid, comparable out-of-state license
- A master's degree or higher from a regionally accredited institution of higher education
Did you complete an approved out-of-state educator preparation program but did not become licensed in that state? You must meet the following requirements to obtain the IL PEL:
- A master's degree or higher from a regionally accredited institution of higher education
- Completion of a preparation program in the field of specialization (e.g. superintendent) (Form 80-02: State-Approved Program and Completion of Standards Verification
must be submitted to ISBE)
- Internship or equivalent experience
- Completion of coursework* addressing methods of teaching exceptional children, reading methods, content area reading, and methods of teaching English language learners (Use
form 80-02: State-Approved Program and Completion of Standards Verification
- Licensure Tests: All test scores are valid indefinitely. View the options below to see the required tests for each area. Click here to
register for the tests. If out-of-state test scores were completed, copies of the test scores must be submitted per the ISBE 80-02 form.
- Additional requirements: View required experience and specific requirements for each area in the chart below.
If you are completing an educator preparation program at an Illinois institution, please work closely with the institution to ensure their specific requirements are met.
The menus below indicate the Illinois educator preparation program type and corresponding licensure tests.